Is Metaverse Haram?

The new chapter in the Internet world is the Metaverse. As a Muslim, your question is, is metaverse haram? You may have thought about it a lot.

And you want to broaden your horizons about this newly invented world of the Internet. I assure you that you will get the answer to your desired question in this article.

What is the Metaverse?

Metaverse is a term describing a virtual world. It refers to a virtual world that tastes like real life, where users can interact with a computer-generated environment and each other in three-dimensional space. 

In other words, the Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space. It is created through Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and the Internet.

The concept of the Metaverse was science fiction. But it has recently become a potential focal point for the future net market.

Metaverse users will create and control their symbolic images. That will be their digital representation in the virtual world. 

They will also have access to various tools and technologies, such as haptic feedback and virtual reality headsets, to enhance their experience.

Facebook, Google, Epic Games, and many other companies are working on creating Metaverse.

But he also has concerns about privacy, security, and the Metaverse’s unknown aspects and adverse effects. 

What can be done in the Metaverse?

Everything that is spread over the Internet can be done in the Metaverse. It is communicating, shopping, talking, watching movies, listening to music, getting religious knowledge, taking advice from scholars or doctors, etc.

Almost everything in real life is possible. But the difference between the current Internet and the Metaverse is that whatever is done in the Metaverse will have a real-life feeling.

That’s why Metaverse is a much more powerful and enjoyable platform than the current one. Things that cannot or cannot be done on the current Internet will be possible in the Metaverse.

Overall, the Metaverse is unique and valuable for good work. It has likewise become a powerful medium for evil deeds.

Is Metaverse Haram?

Metaverse is not Haram. Because Metaverse is a powerful and advanced version of the current internet world. By using the present Internet, we are benefiting in our daily life.

Similarly, using Metaverse can make our daily life more enjoyable and accessible. But the Metaverse should not be wasted and waste time there.

Because the Metaverse is emerging as a centre of massive attraction, be careful in that direction.

The Metaverse will be Haram if we do not waste time indulging in unnecessary activities and actions.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an that successful believers pray with a single heart. And protect themselves from futile actions.

Also, even if the Metaverse is generally halal, it is bound to become Haram due to our activities and actions.

If a person does what Islam forbids, the Metaverse will be Haram. For example – watching porn movies, songs, or videos.

But Islam is not fundamentally metaverse haram, but it will be halal or Haram based on the actions of Muslims.

All in all, Metaverse is halal if used for good purposes. And if you use it for evil purposes, it is forbidden.

Metaverse haram
Metaverse Haram

Opinions of Islamic Scholars about the Metaverse Haram

Islamic scholars have said that the Metaverse is valid if used for good. Below are some of my comments.

قال العلامة السرخسي في “المبسوط”: [المنافعُ ليست بمالٍ متقوِّم، وإنما تَتَقوَّمُ بالعقد

The scholar al-Sarkhasi said in “Al-Mabsoot”: [The benefits are not evaluated by money, rather they are evaluated by the contract],

والأصل في استعمال الإنترنت هو الإباحة ، ولا يستعمل استعمالا مباشرا في المعصية ، بل لا بد وأن يتوفر فيه إرادة من شخص ما ، يحول استخدامه من الخير إلى الشر ، ومن المعروف إلى المنكر .

The basic principle regarding Internet use is that it is permissible and not used directly for sinful purposes. Instead, there must be a will on the part of a person to turn its use from good to evil and from good to bad.

Mistakes to Avoid in the Metaverse

Undoubtedly, Metaverse is shaping up to be a unique platform of great attraction and time investment for us. But here, you have to tread very carefully.

Because the wealth of faith you have as a Muslim is more valuable than all the wealth of this world. And it is your responsibility to protect this precious wealth.

Your little mistakes and carelessness can be a step to destroy the hereafter. You are discussing the activities of several metaverses that take away faith.

  • Songs with Shirik and Kufuri sounds are addictive.
  • Making the faith of non-Muslims one’s own
  • Islamic rules Bulejawa prayer fasting
  • Involvement in online-centric crimes such as murder, rape
  • Getting involved in gambling and casinos
  • Alcohol and women’s addiction
  • Immersion in porn and pornography
  • Haram relationship
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