How many rakats in tahajjud? Tahajjud prayer is a very important prayer in the life of a Muslim. This prayer should be read at night.
Through this prayer, the servant can get the special mercy and grace of Allah Ta’ala. In a hadith, every night Allah descends to the lowest sky.
He called them and said, Who are you who will express his need to me, I will fulfill his need.
Who are you in danger? I will remove his danger. In this way, every night God calls the servant and asks him to pray.
So there is a very high probability that prayers will be accepted in Tahajjud prayers. But Tahajjud prayer how many Rakat?
When to read? We have some doubts about this. How many Rakats of Tahajjud prayer are in our article today? We are discussing it.
Ibn Umar – Radiyallahu Anhu – said, while the Holy Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – was on the pulpit, a person asked him, what is your opinion about the night (Nafal) prayer?
He said – two Rakats will be recited; One more Rakat (Witr) should be recited if one fears fainting. It will invalidate the prayer he has performed. (Bukhari and Muslim Sharif)
How many rakats in Tahajjud?
The number of Rakats for Tahajjud prayers is not fixed. Every person can perform as many Rak’ths as he wishes.
It can be performed in two Rakats. Four Rak’ats can be performed. Six rak’ats, eight rak’ats, ten rak’ats can be performed.
The Tahajjud prayer is performed in two Rakats by two Rakats. That is to read in pairs. And when he has finished, he will repeat it with one Rakat.
If a person has a firm belief that he will perform the Tahajjud prayer, he should leave off the sunnah after Isha and perform the Tahajjud together the next time.
But it is better to limit it to eleven or thirteen rak’ahs; Since the number of Rakats of Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – was similar.
His wife Ayesha – Radiyallahu Anha – said that the Messenger of Allah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – used to pray eleven Rakats of Salat al-Asha till Fajr.
After every two Rak’ats, he would offer salam and perform Witr by one Rak’at. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 736)
Tahajjud prayer Rakat in Quran?
The Holy Quran has not directly commanded people to perform Tahajjud prayers. This prayer is not obligatory.
In a verse of Surah Mujjammil, Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – is commanded about Tahajjud. But it is not obligatory but as Nafl.
In fact, all the instructions about prayer in the Qur’an are in the basic sense. There is no clear instruction in the Qur’an about the five-time prayer like fajr, JUhar, Asr, Magrib, and Esha, or any other prayer such as the Tahajjud prayer.
The verses of the Qur’an are fundamental. How to pray from here. His instructions are not available.
There is a detailed discussion in the hadith of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace. From there we can learn about the Tahajjud prayer.
Tahajjud prayer Rakat in hadith?
Abu Salama Ibn Abdur Rahman – Radiyallahu Anhu – said, He once asked Ayesha – Radiyallahu Anha, how was the night prayer of Rasulullah – Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam?
In reply, he said, Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – did not pray more than 11 rak’ahs in the month of Ramadan and outside of Ramadan.
He used to pray four Rakats two by two at first. You (Abu Salama) do not ask about her beauty and length.
Then he would recite four Rakats two by two. You don’t ask about her beauty and length. Then he used to pray three Rakat Witr. (Sahih Muslim 2013)
Abdullah Ibn Abi Qais said I asked Hazrat Ayesha – Radiyallahu Anha how many Rakat of the Prophet used to pray?
He replied, four and three, six and three, eight and three, ten and three. He used to pray not less than seven Rak’ats and not more than thirteen Rak’ats. (Sunan Abu Dawud 1/193).
According to the narration of the hadith, it is proven from Rasulullah (SAW) that the Tahajjud prayer is up to 10 Rakats, but there is no prohibition to perform more than that.
Because Tahajjud is Nafl Ibadat – so the more you read, the more reward you get. Again, Tahajjud will not be performed if less than four Rakats are performed, this is not the case.
So Tahajjud prayers will be performed even if two Rakats are performed. Tahajjud prayer can be performed in two Rakats as well as in four Rakats.
How many rakats in tahajjud hanafi?
The number of Tahajjud prayers is not specified in the Hanafi Madhhab. They also agree with what we discussed earlier.
That is, Tahajjud prayers can be read in two Rakats. In this way, every person can read four Rakat, six Rakat, eight Rakat, ten Rakat, and twelve Rakat according to his wish.
In the end, the final prayer will be offered. However, there is an exception among the Hanafis, who say that the Witr prayer should be performed in three rak’ahs at the same time.
After reading two Rakats of these three Rakats, sit down once and then get up and say another Rakats and return the salam.
But in other madhhabs, one Rakat alone can be read if a person wants to read it.
First, perform two Rak’ats and return the salam and then return the salaam after reading a single Rak’at.
This will count as Witr prayer. But this method is not recognized in the Hanafi Madhhab.
Is tahajjud sunnah or nafl?
Tahajjud Salat is Sunnah in the sense that Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – recited it.
Any deed of Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – is Sunnah if the servants of Allah follow it.
And as many acts of worship as are not obligatory, all are included in Nafal acts of worship. Therefore, Allah has declared the five daily prayers obligatory. Apart from this, all the prayers are nafl or extra.
So Nafal Salat is not included in the command. The Sunnah is included in the rulings by the Ulama. The command is the law.
There are two types of Sunnah of Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace. One is, the Sunnah to which more importance is given. Another is the Sunnah which has been proven as an additional Sunnah.
Tahajjud is this level of prayer. Tahajjud Salat is Nafal from this point of view, as it is neither Fard nor Wajib. And since Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – performed it, it is Sunnah.