Is Google AdSense Halal? know the latest information

Is Google AdSense halal: Online Income is gaining popularity quickly now. And a unique way of online income is Google Adsense. But the question that often comes to my mind differently is income from Google Adsense halal.

I believe the importance of this question is immense. Because just as money is needed in Muslim life, it is also necessary to earn it in a halal way by freelancing.

So today, I am discussing this topic in detail for the readers of the Muslim guiding website. Before we know this answer, we need to know the answers to the other two questions.

  1. What is AdSense?
  2. How to make money from AdSense?

What is AdSense?

Adsense is a unique service of Google. They receive ads for their products or services in exchange for money from various companies.

Then that ad goog shows up on his nominated website. In return, Google pays the website owner a portion of the money received from the company.

How to make money from AdSense?

Income from AdSense mainly focuses on the website’s content, the visitor’s country, click on the ad, etc.

Moreover, the visitor’s interest also plays a role in the appearance of the ad. For example, if the visitor has more online activity on teaching or IT, he will have more related shows.

Again, if the visitor listens to music or watches a movie or dating site, he will have a related ad.

Generally, Bangladesh-centric or Bangla articles can earn one dollar per thousand visitors.

But this earning increases twice if one thousand visitors come from developed countries like the USA, UK, etc..

On the other hand, if the content has high search volume and high competition and CPC is good, earnings are also good.

Is Google Adsense halal?

No, google adsense not halal. However, many contemporary Islamic scholars such as Mufti Tariq Masood Sahib said that Google and YouTube Adsense are Halal. There are arguments and documents for those who say haram, there are arguments and documents for those who say haram.

Because many illegal things are displayed in google adsense. That’s why Islamic scholars have said that Google Adsense is haram, but some Islamic scholars have disagreed that Google Adsense is halal.

Why is AdSense Income Haram?

We can clearly understand that from the discussion of AdSense and the way of income from it.

Is Google AdSense Halal
Is Google AdSense Halal

That’s it: Ad and content play a fundamental role in the revenue from AdSense. So, these two things must be halal for AdSense income to be halal.

First: the content must be halal-centred on any subject. Second, content may not be published on any subject prohibited by Islam.

Such as posting by promoting alcohol or drugs or creating content by adding women’s bodies and pictures. In this way, it would be haram to encourage anything Islam forbids.

Second: if a product or service-related ad is forbidden by Islam, such as alcohol or pork or advertisements on porn sites, etc., the income earned from it will not be halal.

In the same way, if a picture of a woman’s body is added to an advertisement, it will also be haram because Islam has banned the publication of images of women’s bodies.

But I noticed very profoundly. Almost all AdSense websites do not accept these two issues. So this type of Adsense income is forbidden.

Why is Google Adsense Halal?

For those who say Google Assistance is Halal, the argument is that those who display the ad are mainly displaying the product to sell to people, the female body that is displayed in it is not the main purpose, but the main purpose is to be part of the product and some haram things. It doesn’t matter what it appears to be.

Like a person rented out his shop to someone. Then, if the lessee sells haram products or displays haram advertisements in that shop, then it is his own business. For this, the income of the shop renter will not be haram.

Google Adsense Halal

What is the halal way to earn from AdSense?

By halal means of income from AdSense, we mean a path that Islam allows.

If one can avoid the prohibitions of Islam in content and advertising, it is possible to earn income in a halal way.

For this, you must keep the content in mind while creating the content first. And Google offers some options in advertising, which can use to block a lot of unwanted ads.

Moreover, you can earn money from a website in various ways without promoting Google Adsense. Below are a few.

Earn money through affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a means of blogging income. Thus, it is possible to make an excellent quality income.

Affiliate marketing means bringing reviews to any product or service. As a result, e-commerce sites that sell products pay a dividend to that marketer.

So halal income is possible through affiliate marketing. Only the marketer always has to write reviews of Halar products and services.

Earn money from sponsorship.

Another source of income for blogging is sponsorship. But, of course, any company prefers a website with exemplary visitors to give the science of its product or service.

They pay the site owner a good amount of money in exchange for showing their ads on that site.

If you use halal products and methods while accepting advertisements, the money earned from sponsorship will also be halal, which is nothing impossible.

If a website occupies a position in Google and has a good DA and PA, other website owners will contact you to get an external link.

In return, the owners of other websites will pay a good amount of money. This is called a backlink cell.

If the site is given the backlink and does not provide any haram product or service, making money in this way will be halal.

Income from website sales

After working on a website for a few years, it is possible to sell that site reasonably. In this case, the site’s content – Google position will depend on the cost of the present earnings.

If you have a monthly income of 200/250 dollars, it can be sold for an estimated 8/9 thousand dollars. And if you earn 500 dollars a month, you can sell it for an estimated 15/16 thousand dollars.

If the website is halal, it will be halal to sell it. For this, we must work from the beginning by avoiding the things forbidden by Islam.


Is earning money through Google AdSense considered halal in Islam?

The permissibility of earning money through Google AdSense in Islam depends on several factors, including the nature of the content and the specific ads being displayed. In general, earning through advertising is permissible as long as the content and ads comply with Islamic principles.

What types of ads are considered haram in Islam?

Ads promoting products or services that are haram in Islam, such as alcohol, gambling, pork, or usurious (interest-based) financial products, are generally considered impermissible. Additionally, ads with inappropriate or offensive content are not allowed.

Can I choose the types of ads displayed on my website through Google AdSense?

Yes, Google AdSense provides some control over the types of ads displayed on your website. You can use category filters and ad review center to block specific categories of ads that you deem inappropriate or non-compliant with Islamic principles.

How can I ensure that my earnings through Google AdSense are halal?

To ensure your earnings are halal, you should: Avoid content that promotes haram products or activities. Monitor the types of ads being displayed and block any inappropriate categories.

Continuously review and update your content and ad settings. Seek guidance from a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or authority if you have specific concerns.

Are there any specific guidelines or fatwas regarding Google AdSense and its permissibility in Islam?

Fatwas (Islamic legal opinions) regarding online advertising, including Google AdSense, may vary among scholars and Islamic organizations. It’s advisable to consult with a qualified Islamic scholar or organization for specific guidance based on your circumstances and content.

Can I use Google AdSense on a website that primarily provides Islamic content?

Yes, you can use Google AdSense on a website that provides Islamic content, as long as you ensure that the ads displayed on your site comply with Islamic principles and do not promote haram products or activities.


The legitimacy of income from Google Adsense depends mainly on the content and the science displayed. So it is possible to earn halal if one works with these two things in mind from the time one runs the site.

However, it would be best to block all those ads from Google Ads, which are Haram. If that is not possible, then income will not be permissible.

In addition to a website and AdSense halal income, many more things must work. In this way, everything that Islam has forbidden must be complied with.

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