Is it compulsory to remove pubic hair in Islam? everything you need to know

Islam is a natural religion. Human cleanliness, beauty, and health are important in Islam. Muslims also follow the rules of this eternal religion and question – Is it compulsory to remove pubic hair in Islam?

Remove pubic hair This is not only the command of Islam but the conscience of a healthy-minded person who demands to keep these hairs clean.

Islam has fulfilled this need of the human mind and given beautiful and clear instructions. So that the Muslim nation can achieve purity in their lives by obeying that instruction.

Is it compulsory to remove pubic hair in Islam?

No, it’s not compulsory to remove pubic hair in Islam. But it is Sunnah to remove public hair every week. If a person is not able to remove every week then he will remove every fortnight.

Rasulullah – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – said:

عَشرٌ مِنَ الفِطرَةِ: قَصُّ الشَّارِبِ، وإِعفَاءُ اللِّحْيَةِ، وَالسِّوَاكُ، واسْتِنشَاقُ الماءِ، وقَصُّ الأَظفَارِ، وغَسلُ البَرَاجِمِ، وَنَتفُ الإِبطِ، وَحلقُ العانَة، وانتِقاصُ المَاءِ

Translation: “Five things are natural to man: circumcision, shaving (remove pubic hair), plucking the hair of the armpits, cutting the nails and trimming the mustache.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Meshkat: 4420)

Unwanted human body hair, nails, etc. cut after 40 days is makruh Tahrimi. It is an act of sin. In this regard, Sahabah Anas – Radiyallahu Anhu – said, “We were given a time limit for trimming the mustache, clipping the nails, plucking the armpit hair, and plucking the hair below the navel so that we do not delay for more than 40 days.” (Muslim: 258)

Mustahab is one of the ten. None circumcised. Again, none is obligatory, and keeping a beard and shaving the hair below the navel is compulsory.

How many days to remove public hair in Islam?

Some Islamic scholars say that Allah will not accept worship if the pubic hair is not removed within 40 days. This idea is not correct. People can forget for many reasons including being busy. Therefore, no worship will be accepted – there is no basis for this statement.

But yes, intentionally exceeding this period due to negligence will be a sin. Because in the hadith, the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – has set a specific time in this regard.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

وُقِّتَ لَنَا فِي قَصِّ الشَّارِبِ، وَتَقْلِيمِ الأَظْفَارِ، وَنَتْفِ الإِبِطِ، وَحَلْقِ الْعَانَةِ، أَنْ لاَ نَتْرُكَ أَكْثَرَ مِنْ أَرْبَعِينَ يَوْماً

Translation: We are given a time limit to keep the mustache short, the nails trimmed, the armpit hair plucked, and the navel hair scratched. Let us not delay in doing so for more than forty days. (Muslim 256).

Islamic scholars have ruled that cutting one’s hair in public for more than forty days is not permissible based on this hadith.

The border of unwanted hair starts from the fold or line that forms four to five fingers below the navel while sitting on the soles of the feet.

Unwanted hair includes hair on the left and right up to both thighs, hair on all four sides of the private parts, hair growing from the testicles to the anus, and, if necessary, hair around the anus. (Al Mausuatu al-Fiqhiyyah Quytiyyah: 3/216-217, Marduke Lebas Aur Balunke Shari’i Ahkam: 81)

Why is pubic hair removal important in Islam? 10 reasons

  • Hygiene and Cleanliness: Islam emphasizes cleanliness (Taharah). Pubic hair removal is a unique way to improve personal hygiene.
  • Cleanliness for Salah (Salah): Cleanliness is essential for Salah. Removing pubic hair contributes to the purity required for prayer.
  • Following the Sunnah: Muslims remove pubic hair as part of observing the Sunnah of the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace. Because removal of pubic hair is given great importance in hadith.
  • Prevention of Impurity: Pubic hair can trap dirt and germs and its removal prevents dirt and germs. So Islam has given importance to it.
  • Enhancing Intimacy: Removing pubic hair makes the body clean and attractive. It can increase intimacy in marital relationships.
  • Respecting the Body: Islam encourages Muslims to take care of their bodies. Because they received it as a deposit from Allah. Along with pubic hair removal, is seen as a form of self-respect.
  • Aesthetic and cultural norms: In Islamic culture, pubic hair removal is a cosmetic practice and aesthetically pleasing. It is the Islamic cultural ideal and inspiration.
  • Odor Prevention: Pubic hair removal can contribute to reducing body odor, promoting a sense of cleanliness.
  • Avoid damage: Long or unkempt pubic hair can potentially cause discomfort or irritation. Removing it is seen as a way to avoid harming oneself.
  • Personal Discipline: Regular pubic hair removal is a form of personal discipline and self-care. It reveals one’s personality and taste.

How to remove pubic Hair in Islam?

compulsory to remove pubic hair in Islam
pubic hair in Islam

Removal of pubic hair with a blade, razor, or scissors is permissible for both men and women. Similarly, there is no Sharia prohibition on cleaning hair remover with chemicals. However, it is mustahab for men to pluck it and for women to pluck it. (Kitab al-Fiqah Alal Mazahibil Arbaa: 2/45)

If one cleans in some other way instead of wiping, it will not be according to the Sunnah. (Kitabun Nawazil: 15/547)

Many people want to know if cutting unwanted hair breaks the fast or not. No, it does not break the fast. There is no such provision in Sharia. Basically, ‘the relationship of breaking the fast is with eating and drinking’ (Musannaf Abdur Razzaq: 7468).

So there is no obstacle in these activities during fasting. Bathing is not obligatory after trimming the unwanted hair.


In conclusion, the removal of pubic hair holds significance in Islam as a practice of cleanliness and adherence to the natural disposition (fitnah).

It is a recommended act but not compulsory. Muslims are encouraged to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by removing excess hair using appropriate tools and taking necessary precautions.

Cultural practices and individual choices may vary, but the underlying principle remains that cleanliness is an essential aspect of Islamic teachings.

FAQs – ‍about is it compulsory to remove pubic hair?

Which Islamic teachings address the issue of pubic hair removal?

Islamic teachings emphasize cleanliness (taharah). Although there is no specific mention of removing pubic hair in the Qur’an, it is a way of maintaining personal hygiene. It is very important in hadith.

Are there specific guidelines for pubic hair removal in Islam?

Yes, the guidelines for pubic hair removal in Islam are very specific. Muslims are encouraged to regularly remove pubic hair for cleanliness. But the method (shaving, trimming, etc.) is not strictly defined.

Is there a difference of opinion among Islamic scholars on this matter?

No, there is no difference of opinion among scholars regarding the necessity and method of removing pubic hair. One can take advice from a learned religious scholar.

Can a person not remove pubic hair and still follow Islamic principles?

Yes, pubic hair removal is a circumcision. Not an obligation. A person can follow Islamic principles without removing them, but cleanliness is a Sunnah in Islam. Mandatory in particular fields.

Is there a specific time to remove pubic hair?

There is no fixed time. But you can remove pubic hair every Friday. However, Muslims will always maintain cleanliness. This includes regular grooming practices such as pubic hair removal.

What if a person has medical or health reasons for not removing pubic hair?

In cases of medical necessity or health concerns, Islam generally allows flexibility in religious practice. One’s health should take priority, and exceptions may be made for legitimate reasons.

Where can I find more information on this subject from reputable Islamic sources?

Consult local religious leaders, scholars, or reputable Islamic websites for more specific and nuanced guidance on this topic.

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