How many Rakat in Isha?

How many Rakat of Isha? A prayer is a significant act of worship in Muslim life. Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – said –

The Day of Judgment will be accepted as the first prayer. (Nasa’i Sharif – 3991)

Therefore, it is necessary for every believing man and woman who follows the halal path to pray regularly to be released from the court of Almighty Allah on the Day of Resurrection.

But praying is not enough. Instead, it should be pure. And to pray purely, it is essential to know prayer.

Keeping these things in mind for all the readers of HARAMQ, I am discussing the issue of ‘How many Rakat of Isha?

I hope this post will significantly help perform namaz by knowing the number of Rakats of the Esha prayer.

How many Rakat of Isha prayer?

We pray five times a day. Some of which I perform Rakat as obligatory. And some as Sunnah or Nafal.

But only the number of Rakats of the obligatory prayer can be used to determine the number of Rakats of a time prayer.

Because all other types of prayers except the obligatory ones are included in the Nafal prayers, the blessing you have been hearing called Sunnah is a level of Nafal prayer.

Naval means were extra. That is an excess of duty. Nafal Namaz was initially not made obligatory by Allah Ta’ala.

Rasulullah – may Allah bless and grant him peace – to pray a few Rakats of his own volition before or after the obligatory prayer.

Since those prayers were in addition to Fardh. Which he took very seriously. So that prayer is called Nafal or extra prayer.

And Rasulullah – may Allah bless and grant him peace – to perform the prayers as Nafl. It has become Sunnah for us.

Because Rasulullah’s deeds – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – used to be considered Sunnah for us.

As such, it can be said that the Isha prayer is four Rakat. Since these four Rakat prayers are obligatory.

What are 17 rakat of Isha?

Isha prayer is calculated as 17 Rakats, and four Rakats are obligatory. Sunnah four rakat before farj.  Sunnah four rakat after farj. Then Nafal two rakat. This is a total of 14 Rakat. 

Three Rakats of Witr will be added to these 14 Rakats. The Total will be 17 Rakat. But there is no need to be afraid that Isha’s prayer is long. 

Kiamul Lail has been merged with it. If one performs the obligatory four Rak’ats, he will be counted as completing the Isha prayer. It is not compulsory to perform 17 Rakat.

How many Rakat in Isha

Minimum Rakat for Isha

The minimum Rakat of Isha is four because these four Rakats are the obligatory prayer of Isha.

If someone performs these four Rakat prayers, he will be counted as performing the Isha prayer. The obligation of his Isha prayer will be fulfilled.

He will not be held accountable if he does not perform the Sunnah prayer. The Sunnah prayers are essentially filling up the incompleteness of the obligatory prayers.

That’s why we say the Isha prayer is a minimum of four Rakat. Many people count the obligatory Rakat of Isha with the Rakat of the sunnah prayer of Isha.

But it cannot be done. In this, our loss will be more than our gain. Then those who are a little weak in prayer will leave worship.

How many rakat is Sunnah for Isha?

Four Rakats before the Isha prayer and two Rakats after it is performed as Muakkadah in the Sunnah.

Keeping this aspect in mind, Isha’s prayer can be said to be ten Rakats. Farj is four rakat and sunnah is six rakat.

However, the number of Rakats of the Isha prayer is not limited to four Rakats before the fard prayer and two Rakats after it.

A total of four Rakat prayers can be performed in two Rak’ats by two Rak’ats, which will be considered Sunnah Ghayab Muakkadah.

After performing these four Rak’ats, two Rak’ats and two Rak’ats can be achieved, which has no specific number.

In this way, the Witr prayer is also recited along with the Isha prayer. Although the Witr prayer is not part of the Isha prayer, the Witr is repeated at the end of the Isha prayer.

Then Isha prayer is ten rakats with muakkadah as sunnah. Fourteen Rakats with Muaqqadah of the Sunnah. In this way, there will be seven Rak’ats with Witr.

What is Muakkadah and Ghair Muakkadah in Sunnah of Esha

Sunnat muakkadah means – urgent Sunnat. That is the Sunnah which the Shariah strongly urges.

And Sunnat Gair Muakkadah means – common Sunnat. Shariat did not insist on the collection of that. It is generally encouraged.

Rasulullah – Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam – regularly recited Nafal prayers with great importance before or after obligatory prayers.

Those naval prayers he encourages others to pray are considered Muakkadah in the Sunnah. And all the naval prayers he performed sometimes, and sometimes he left them.

Thus the Shariah did not attach much importance to performing the prayers. He is called Ghair Muakkadah in the Sunnah.

What is the sin if you do not pray the Sunnah?

It is not a sin if you do not perform Muaqadah outside the Sunnah. But it is better to perform these prayers. It will weigh the scale of virtue.

And many scholars have opined that it will be a sin if you do not perform the Muakkadah prayer in the Sunnah. Again, many scholars think that if you don’t read it, it won’t be Gong.

But everyone agrees that the person who abandons the Sunnah Muakkadah prayer is wretched.

Because the Sunnah prayer mainly helps to increase the subsidy and reward of the errors of the obligatory prayer.

Therefore, a person who knowingly abandons the Sunnah prayers is doing nothing but reducing his share of merit.

However, according to the pure and strong opinion, not performing any Sunnah prayer does not constitute a sin.

Witi and Isha – same or different

The meaning of the word Viti is – odd or separate. I pray five times a day from Fajr to Isha.

But there is a need to separate the Fajr of the current day from the Fajr of another day. So he is singled out by the Witi prayer.

Again, the name Bajor is said to be why the Witi prayer is recited in Bejor (three Rakats). However, there are many other explanations.

You may have understood from the meaning and name of the word Biti that Biti and Isha’s prayer is not the same things—two separate prayers.

When and how to perform Isha prayer?

The best time to perform Isha’s prayer is the first night if one prays Isha before sleeping.

However, if one wishes to perform Tahajjud, he should perform the Witi prayer after performing Tahajjud at the end of the night.

But if one does not wish to perform Tahajjud, the Witi prayer can be performed after the Isha prayer.

Prayer can be performed in three Rakats or the first two Rakats followed by salam and then one Rakat separately.

There is no difference between the Witi prayer and other prayers.

Doa Kunut should be recited after surah karat in the third Rakat only in prayer. Apart from that, the Witi prayer is regular, like other prayers.

However, there is a different opinion on whether the first meeting will be held in three Rak’ats of the Witi prayer are performed simultaneously.

The Hanafi Madhhab is said to be the first meeting. And many other scholars noted that the hadith does not prove the first meeting in the Witi prayer.

Therefore, except for the first meeting, the prayer will be completed by performing three Rak’ats at once and then one sitting at the end.

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