What is the Hijab in Islam? The word “hijab” has been used since the pre-Islamic period when it meant a screen (Hijab) or fence.
In modern times it has come to mean a veil that covers the head and chest. This article will answer basic questions about the Hijab, including why Muslim women wear it and why it’s necessary for women.
What is the Hijab of women in Islam?
Hijab is linguistically defined as concealment. And the term hijab is: it is everything that is covered. Thus the veil is everything that hides and prevents the desired from being reached.
The Hijab in Islam generally refers to a garment that covers the entire body, including a woman’s face and hands.
The proof of this is in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). The Companions (may God be pleased with them) and all the scholars agree on this.
However, there is a difference regarding the provision of a veil covering the face and hands of women.
For example, according to Imam Ahmad and the followers of the Shafi’i school, women must cover their faces and hands in front of men.
Al-Maliki and Hanafira said that covering the face and hands in Hijab is not obligatory. However, several old fatwas of the Hanafi school and several fatwas of the Maliki school state that women must cover their faces and hands if they are beautiful.
Conditions of Hijab in Islam
A Muslim woman’s Hijab must be sufficient to cover all body parts, regardless of its types, such as a burqa, large chadar, or other cloth.
The following conditions must be met for any garment to pass the Shari’a hijab standard.
- As most Muslim scholars suggest, it should cover the woman’s entire body, including her face and hands.
- It should be thick fabric and free of embellishments.
- It should not expose any part of the woman’s body.
- So that it is not tight and not attractive to the woman’s body.
- So that it smells like incense or perfume.
- It cannot resemble men’s attire.
- Not to be worn to gain fame among ordinary people.
Hijab in the Quran
Allah Ta’ala has imposed the Hijab on every Muslim – who has reached the age of majority. Age attainment is the age at which a woman begins to menstruate.
On this, the predecessors unanimously agreed that the Hijab is obligatory for a woman. Declaring Hijab to be Fajr, Allah Ta’ala said in the Holy Qur’an –
Translation: “O Prophet tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. And not to reveal any beauty other than the natural beauty.” (Surah Noor: Verse – 31)
In another verse, Allah Ta’ala says,
Translation: “And if you ask them for things, then ask them from behind a veil, that is purer for your hearts and theirs.” (Surah Ahzab: Verse – 36)
These verses prove that a Muslim woman must veil in front of gentiles. All those who are not her husband and those who are not mahrams are progenitors.
Hijab in the Hadith
The Holy Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – said:
Translation: “O Asma, if a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it is not permissible to look at any part of her body except this (palms of the hands) and this (palms of the feet). (Abu Dawud)
Another hadith says,
Translation: “Allah does not accept the prayer of a menstruating woman – who has reached the age of menstruation – while not wearing hijab.” (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)
The Islamic nation has unanimously agreed, in advance and successively, that the veil is obligatory and its necessity is derived from the Qur’an and the Hadith.
The age when a girl should wear the Hijab in Islam?
What has been said about the age of wearing a Hijab is – Every Muslim woman must wear Hijab after reaching adulthood.
Adulthood refers to the onset of menstruation in a girl. The girl will start menstruating, and he must wear a hijab.
A girl can wear a hijab until her period begins; it is not obligatory. He can do it for Pactis.
However, after reaching adulthood, wearing a hijab is obligatory. If someone violates the Hijab, it will be a crime and punished in the Hereafter.
It is only when he leaves the house—wearing a hijab indoors is not compulsory. His mahram men, such as his father, and brother, must wear head and feet-covered clothes.
You can go out in front of them wearing regular clothes. But if there are men inside the house, such as cousins - with whom marriage is halal, then Hijab must be worn in front of them.
Who has the right to force a woman to wear a hijab?
There are many misconceptions about this question.
First, Many people think that a girl’s parents cannot force her to wear a hijab, which is wrong.
Parents can force their daughters to wear hijabs, and they will understand their daughters first. If he does not understand, he can punish the girl.
Secondly: it’s essential to understand that the Hijab is a personal choice, not an obligation.
Men or women do not require it; it’s simply something you can choose to do or not do, depending on your beliefs and feelings about modesty.
If you don’t want to wear it, then don’t! There’s no reason anyone else should force their beliefs down your throat just because they think differently from yours (or vice versa).
Thirdly: people often assume that wearing a hijab means being oppressed by society—which isn’t true! In fact,
most Muslim countries have laws that protect women from discrimination based on their religious attire (for example, Saudi Arabia).
So while some cultures may frown upon specific religious articles like veils and headscarves being worn outside of traditional contexts such as weddings or funerals (where they’re intended as signs of respect),
This doesn’t mean anyone has any right whatsoever to push back against those beliefs without advocating counterarguments first – especially if those counterarguments come from within our communities!”
The Hijab is modesty and piousness of the body.
The Hijab is modesty and purity of the body, and it is not a sign of oppression but rather dignity and respect. And The Hijab is also an expression of faith in God, who created us from one soul and body, then split it into two parts: male and female.
The word hijab comes from two Arabic words: Habib (your father) or Habibah (your mother). Hijab means “to cover up” or “to conceal yourself as much as possible from others so that you do not reveal any aspect of your private life.”
Conclusion Hijab is the most crucial part of Islam; that is what must command Muslim women to wear Hijab clearly in the Holy Quran.
The Hijab includes elements of protecting women’s honor and dignity. The article briefly explains what it means to wear a hijab and discusses the age and reasons for wearing a hijab. I hope this will be helpful for you.
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