Can You Shave During Ramadan? A Guide to Personal Grooming

Are you wondering if it’s okay to Can You Shave During Ramadan? This article will explore the Islamic perspective on personal grooming during Ramadan.

Ramadan is a month of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and fasting for millions of Muslims worldwide.

During this holy month, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, and engaging in other physical pleasures from dawn until sunset.

Fasting during Ramadan is an act of worship, devotion to Allah, self-discipline, and self-purification.

However, one common question during Ramadan is whether shaving or engaging in personal grooming practices is permissible. Can you shave during Ramadan? Let’s find out.

Can You Shave During Ramadan? The Islamic Perspective

Yes, You can Shave during Ramadan because The Islamic perspective on personal grooming during Ramadan is based on maintaining cleanliness and hygiene and avoiding excessive behavior that may distract from the spiritual focus of the month.

Moreover, breaking a fast is related to eating or drinking something. Shaving has nothing to do with breaking the fast. Islam places great importance on shaving unwanted body hair.

Sunnah shaves the hair under the armpits and the navel once weekly or every 15 days. Be it Ramadan or any other month. So as a Muslim, there is no problem with shaving while fasting.

Guidelines for Men

Yes, it is permissible for men to shave during Ramadan, as long as it does not involve breaking the fast. Men can shave before or after fasting hours. If a man accidentally breaks his fast while shaving, he must make up for that day of fasting later.

But remember, a man can never shave his beard because keeping a beard is obligatory for every Muslim man. A person who shaves his beard while fasting will be considered a sinner by poets.

In several hadiths, great importance has been attached to keeping a beard. Based on these hadiths, all Islamic scholars say it is wajib to keep a beard.

Although some Islamic scholars say that keeping a beard is Sunnah, their argument is not strong. Therefore, a Muslim man cannot shave his beard while fasting. But he can shave off his mooch.

Guidelines for Women

For women, personal grooming rules during Ramadan are slightly different. Although it is permissible for women to shave during Ramadan, they should shave their unwanted body hair.

However, it is recommended that they avoid it during the last ten days of the month of Dil Hajj, as it is Sunnah not to cut it during that time.

Muslims engage in increased acts of worship and devotion these days, and it is believed that excessive adornment can distract from these spiritual practices.

Shave, Ramadan VS other months

Shaving during Ramadan and any other month have some differences and some similarities. We discuss the adjustments first.

  1. Beards cannot be shaved.
  2. The hair of the private parts and the hair below the nose cannot be lengthened.
  3. Shave once every week or fortnight.
  4. Shave by the barber, or you can do it yourself.
  5. A barber should not shave private body hair.

However, there are inconsistencies between shaving during Ramadan and other months.

  1. In the month of Zil Hajj, it is better not to shave 10 days before Eid-ul-Azhar.
  2. The last 10 days of Ramadan can be shaved. Rather it is better to do it.
  3. Ramadan is a special month for worship. So it is necessary to be cleaner this month.
  4. It is better not to shave at night during Ramadan because the night is the time of Tarawee and Qiyamul Lail.
  5. Shaving at night can be done in months other than Ramadan.


Q: Can I trim my hair or beard during Ramadan?

A: It is permissible to trim your hair or beard during Ramadan as long as it does not involve breaking the fast.

Q: Can I use hair removal creams or waxing during Ramadan?

A: Yes, using hair removal creams or waxing during Ramadan is permissible, as long as it does not involve breaking the fast. However, avoiding excessive grooming during the last ten days of the month is recommended.

Q: Can I get a haircut during Ramadan?

A: Yes, getting a haircut during Ramadan is permissible, as long as it does not break the fast.

Q: Can I use perfume or cologne during Ramadan?

A: Using perfume or cologne during Ramadan is permissible if it does not break the fast. However, avoiding excessive use of fragrances during the month is recommended.


In conclusion, personal grooming during Ramadan is allowed as long as it does not involve breaking the fast or distracting from the spiritual focus of the month.

Muslims are encouraged to maintain cleanliness and hygiene during Ramadan and avoid excessive grooming or behavior that may detract from the worship and devotion of the month.

Can you shave during Ramadan? Yes, you can, but it’s important to do so responsibly and by Islamic guidelines.

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